May 2022

Ariel Phenomenon

Ariel Phenomenon Review: Why Can’t We Admit What We Don’t Know?

I won’t beat around the bush. Ariel Phenomenon presents one of the most incredible real-life stories ever told. If you believe these events happened exactly as portrayed in the film, then Ariel Phenomenon offers a doorway to a new worldview. In that case, the film makes a powerful argument that our reality is teeming with […]

Ariel Phenomenon Review: Why Can’t We Admit What We Don’t Know? Read More »


Alien Endgame Review: Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid

The UFO community isn’t a monolith. Among true believers, there are two large factions butting heads over why E.T. is visiting earth. First, there are the people who believe aliens are cosmic space brothers. This train of thought gained momentum way back in the ’50s with the wave of UFO contactees. This group thinks alien

Alien Endgame Review: Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid Read More »

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